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Anemometers are apparatuses used to accurately measure wind speed. Anemometers have been used to take measurements for centuries, with the first known description dating to the 1400’s in Europe (thoug ...

An anemometer is a device that is used to measure wind speed. There are many different types of anemometers suited for different environments, situations, and measurements. A cup anemometer is a basic ...

Galileo Galilei was a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, creative thinking mastermind who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries in Italy. He was the inventor of the telescope, and one of the first p ...

Musical sounds are periodic and somewhat regular. They are pleasing to our ears and minds, and sound has been one of the greatest forms of expression since the beginning of time. Unpleasant sound is o ...

Freefall occurs where the only force acting on an object is gravity. Because gravitational acceleration on earth is constant, the distance an object falls is proportional to the time spent falling. In ...

Have you ever seen a bug skate across the surface of water? This is made possible by the cohesion of water molecules on the surface of the water. When we say that water molecules are cohesive, we mean ...

Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli is often considered the father of fluid mechanics, and developed a mathematical relationship between pressure and fluid flow in the 18th century. Both liquids and gase ...

Have you ever wondered why it takes more than just water to get your clothes and dishes clean? Detergent dissolves in water and attaches to things like dirt and whatever is staining your clothes to he ...

Optics is a branch of physics that explores light and its behaviors and interactions with objects. Lenses, which are made of transparent (usually glass), are curved objects that are used for focusing ...

Have you ever wondered why you don’t fall out of an upside down loop on a roller coaster, or why a satellite can stay in orbit around the earth? Centripetal force is a force that causes an object to m ...